A field of six meter diameter is asphalted on a meadow. Local plants break through the synthetic surface. The juxtaposition of black asphalt and green forest marks the topographic thresholds of our satellite images. They are borders of city and country, of nature and culture. On the two-dimensional map of our world, the boundaries are only aesthetically perceptible as a vast archipelago. What lies behind the visual appearance? — Asphalt consists of two materials: On the one hand, there is bitumen, which is extracted from the processing of crude oil, on the other hand rock particles. The visible unnatural is always part of the natural, invisible in mobile molecules and atomic structures. Although nature and culture can be constructed as outer points, they run into each other like a Möbius strip. — Odradek is an informal landscape architecture in constant modulation. The infinite convergence of synthetic asphalt to grown forest soil, the decomposition of artificial asphalt by cultivated plants is the task of a project that
is constantly in the making. The half-life guarantees the limit value towards infinity, towards nature. A future ruin becomes an aesthetic paradigm – a differentiating difference between destruction and rehabilitation.
- Category: Competition, Landscape
- for: International Garden Festival | Reford Gardens
- with: Erik Sturm
- where: Reford Gardens
- when: 2019